July 16, 2023 at 1:00pm
2 hrs
Virtual (Zoom)
COPE General Meeting on July 16th 2023
Dear COPE members,
Join us for COPE’s Next General Meeting on Sunday July 16th, 2023, from 1pm-3pm.
- Event: COPE General Meeting
- Date: Sunday, July 16th, 2023, 1pm-3pm
- Location: Online (RSVP'ed members will receive and email with the Zoom link in Advance of the meeting.)
The General Meeting will include elections for the following positions on the COPE Executive (COPE’s Board of Directors) and Equity Committee:
Three (3) members of the Equity Committee:
Racialized Peoples' Representative
LGBTQQPP2S Representative
Trans/Nonbinary Representative
- One (1) Member-at-Large
We Invite COPE Members to join the Executive Board as Equity Caucus Reps
This is an exciting opportunity to help create and actualize campaigns and events that work for your community. A strong Equity Committee member would have deep ties to their community, be willing to meet regularly, contribute towards building this movement, and be ready and willing to organize! That being said - no experience is necessary, only a willingness to learn, and to take on the various barriers and systems of oppression set up against us within this city. We are looking forward to seeing and working with fresh faces fired up for justice!
As an Equity Committee Representative, you will:
- Craft a plan to work towards an equitable city with the other Equity representatives
- Decide upon how COPE will be engaging with your community, as well as other Equity-seeking communities
- Build a progressive movement within the communities that deserve Equity and Justice
As a COPE Equity Committee Representative, your tasks on the Executive will include:
- Attending Monthly Executive meetings
- Writing and voting on motions within the Executive
- Joining Ad-hoc and Standing Committees within the Executive
- Helping build COPE via organizing, fundraising, phone banking, canvassing, and other tasks as set out by the Executive.
If you are a COPE member in good standing and a member of an Equity-seeking group as defined by the COPE executive, you are a member of the COPE Equity Caucus and may run for or vote for your Equity Committee. The equity-seeking groups as set out in our constitution are: racialized, Indigenous, Different Abled, Neurodivergent, LBTQ+, Trans, and/or Nonbinary persons.
How to Run for the COPE Executive
If you wish to run, you will need a person to nominate you at the general meeting. Your nominator may choose to share a sentence when they nominate you as to why they believe you are the right candidate. You may only be nominated once. Upon all nominees being named, you will be invited to share a couple sentences on why you are running.
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