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The City We Need: Join the movement for a political revolution at Vancouver City Hall!
“We’ll never get what we need, unless we ask for it.” -- Jean Swanson
- No rent increases for four years
- Stop landlords from raising rents between tenancies
- Ban renovictions
- Improve rental conditions
- Moratorium on demolition of all rental buildings
- Regulate short-term rentals
- End discrimination against pet-owners
Tax the Mega Rich to Help the Rest of Us
- “Mansion Tax”: add an extra tax on properties worth over $5 million to generate about $1 billion over four years to end homelessness, fund public housing, and start restoring indigenous land
- “Big business” tax: lower commercial property tax rates for small and medium business, higher rate for big corporations
- Dedicate all new municipal and provincial speculation taxes toward building city-owned non-market housing
- Rapidly build 2,138 modular homes to end homelessness
- Protect existing social and cooperative housing, and build 18,000 units to meet current need: priority for singles earning under $50,000/year and families earning under $80,000/year
- Replace 3,500 SROs with safe, self-contained, beautiful homes
- Strengthen Vancouver Affordable Housing Agency (VAHA) to own all the city’s public housing
- Increase Property Endowment Fund land-holdings by leveraging existing assets, use land for City-owned non-market housing
- End the housing crisis for Indigenous people and start restoring Indigenous land: work with host First Nations to create non-market housing land trusts
- Strongly support Indigenous arts, culture, and language revitalization programs
- Reintroduce Indigenous place names, immediately remove disrespectful colonial place names
- Build Indigenous Healing and Wellness Centre in the Downtown Eastside
- Rent Freeze for small neighbourhood stores
- Establish a Municipal Minimum Wage for all workers in Vancouver, starting at the current Living Wage of $20.62
- Use union labour for all City-owned housing construction
- Ensure that all City of Vancouver employees, contractors and subcontractors are paid the Living Wage with full union rights
- Campaign to raise the provincial rates for welfare and disability to $1,600
- Ban corporate donations between elections, disclose all party contributions, and limit 3rd party advertising
- Implement a “mixed ward system”: some councillors still elected at-large, others elected by neighbourhood wards to ensure local representation
- Reinstate door-to-door registration of all voters
- Extend voting rights to permanent residents, and lower voting age to 16
- Provide free transit on voting days and more voting stations
- Empower and fund community organizations, including in historic communities such as Chinatown, Powell Street, and Hogan’s Alley
Harm reduction, not criminalization
- End the war on drugs and make clean and safe drugs accessible
- Stop criminalizing poverty, transfer cost savings from police to community health and social programs
Inclusive City
- Make city services accessible to all regardless of immigration status
- Stop all civic institutions, including the VPD, from sharing information on immigration status with Border Services
- Apply a gender lens and anti-racism lens to all civic policies
- Work toward universal free transit passes for all
- Start with free passes for school children and residents earning under $50,000/year
- Advocate for Carbon Tax collected in Metro Vancouver to fund necessary Translink service expansion
- Support low-income car and bike shares
- Stop the Kinder Morgan pipeline in its tracks
- Work toward universal transit to reduce carbon emissions
- End unnecessary building demolitions
- Ensure all office lights are turned off at night
- Ban the use of Styrofoam in take-away food outlets and disposable plastic water bottles
- Reduce development permit fees for solar panels
- Make Vancouver a pilot city for universal $10/day child care
- Create 7,500 new early child care spaces and 10,000 new after-school care spaces to meet need
- Prioritize indigenous-centred child care
Services We Need
- Expand free city-wide Wifi
- Free community centre pass for residents earning under $50,000/year
- Expanded meal programs
Arts & Culture
- Protect arts studio spaces and performance venues
- Increase arts funding and decouple it from specific development proposals
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