Letters to Jean in Jail
Please write your letter to Jean in the form on this page, and we will get the letters to Jean as soon as is possible
On June 30th, a group of seniors and water protectors, including Jean Swanson, blocked Kinder Morgan's gate to stop the building of the Trans Mountain pipeline. They took a stand to protect the future of this planet.
The court interpreted this action as criminal activity and sentenced them to seven days in jail. Jean and seven others started their sentence on August 15th. Read Jean's statement to the court here.
We are all heartbroken to think of Jean in jail and outraged by the decision of the court. We also know that civil disobedience can help stop the pipeline. As Jean said in her statement to the court:
“Why are the crown and the courts so scared of us ‘sinister seniors’ that they have to throw us in jail? Because they know that if we take a stand against injustice, we can win.”
Join us in sending Jean notes of love and solidarity for when she returns. We will get all the letters to Jean as soon as is possible.